Monday, March 24, 2008


OK - so those who know me - know that I can't just do any old thing for holidays. I have to do it Martha Stewart style. So after 5 trips to Walmart - 3 days of paper mache'ing - and a partridge in a pear tree I was ready. Everyone loved it with the exception of my wonderful father-in-law who let me know his distaste for my easter egg decorations on the plate........yes Bryan, crosses would have been more appropriate, but they didn't have any that matched my decor :) It went off well with the exception of my new oven actually cooking food in an appropriate amount of time..... yep, the ham was ready by 11:00am instead of 1:00pm. Guess I should have tried out the new oven on something larger than pizza. Oh yeah, Andrew also threw up at church......supplements more than 30 minutes after breakfast usually ends up not staying down - which allowed me a few extra minutes at home before the troops arrived. My highlight was watching my amazingly talented hubby play violin in the orchestra! Lessons learned this year? Don't start the ham at 7:ooam, use the same decorations from last year, don't make easter baskets by hand, and consider paper plates :) Though having to find anything makes Andrew angry - and I do mean angry - I hope next year to try an easter egg hunt. Thanks everyone who came for making it a wonderful memory.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

First off, HIP-HIP-HOORAY! I've already added you to my blogroll of favorite sites to visit. :) You're off to a great start, by the way, and I've enjoyed reading your first few posts! Can't wait to check back everyday for an update on "The 4 Skills."

BTW, I must take a moment to rant and rave about your Easter table. I think you've outdone yourself, Amy, and believe me, that takes A LOT of talent (and time!). You're so talented and should seriously consider doing this sort of thing as a career. Party decorating on a budget...Seriously. You should really look into it!

Welcome to the world of blogging, my friend. Believe me, you're going to become addicted!

See you tomorrow at 9:30 (my sister isn't coming as she works Wednesdays...forgot about that detail!).